Another thing that has hurt the meeting attendance count is a rule they're increasingly enforcing to get more people to the Kingdom Hall.
People who don't go to the meeting but who are connected by the telephone line are counted as being in attendance. BUT, the Borg doesn't like empty chairs at the Kingdom Hall so they made the rule that only people who are known to be elderly or ill get to call in to the meeting. People who are just tired or a little under-the-weather can no longer do so. This rule was made so that those tired/under-the-weather people would HAVE TO go to the Kingdom Hall. LMAO at the backfire. They're just not going OR calling in, and the count numbers go down even further.
A friend of my parents tried calling in to the meeting recently when not feeling well. Since she isn't on the list as one with an illness or being elderly, they turned her down and wouldn't connect her. She not only stayed home, she was pissed at the body of elders.
The Borg is going to destroy itself.
By the way, isn't it a little late for yearbooks this year? I want to see the worldwide report.